Wednesday 27 May 2015

Crunch time

It is again freezing and my tooth has been aching every night so I have decided to have the extraction I said I would have a fortnight ago. It is time for this troublesome molar to go and I also had the inner nudge that my face is breaking out because of the toxins released fom this infected tooth. Am off to see Dr Don this morning to get a prescrption for vitamin D and will ask his opinion as well. Although I really don't have much faith in doctors, and never had, although my life was saved at least twice by doctors who knew their stuff.

So with a blotchy face I made my trek to Aro Valley last night to have a visit of reconnaissance with Y and to be honest, it  couldn't have gone better. So there is possibly something happening there but only time will tell and there is no pressure from either side. After all, I am in the throes of moving and yesterday I made two purchases for trips to Melbourne and Hobart in December and August when I return from England. It is really time to catch up with old friends from these two former cities of residence. The rest will look after itself with no organising by me. 

So I am happy I have done that and now on to present exigencies, like doctor's today and dentist's visit tomorrow. So by the weekend hopefully I will have worked out a few problems. And Monday is the Queens's Birthday holiday here so I wonder what will happen then. I am leaving it open, but things are moving along with my preparations and the timeline is working, so something unexpected might happen...I wonder what?
Specialty corner in Memphis for blended coffee

A Specialty customer, rolling her own

Extreme Weather everywhere in New Zealand

Perhaps I won't dye my hair after all, lol!

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