Sunday 17 May 2015

Day of reckoning

A cool day again, and after a coffee at rhe Mediterrranean it was on to an ECK planning meeting, followed by an important exceptional Body Positive meeting with the Auckland bosses down for the Candlelight Memorial. But it turned out to be a crisis damage-control meeting as they are running on empty, financially, and may even consider closing. The ED hasn't received a salary for a while it seems, which is certainly not the way it should be going. It turns out that he has been left a  'poisoned chalice' in the funding area and he sees no way out. The meeting was inconclusive, but predicted changes are imminent. Food for thought.
Eighty year old  destroyed by floods

Passing of Kiwi music Icon

I'll miss her concert unfortunately!

Valiant dog recovered...

A new writer from AUS favourably reviewed in the Dom Post.
A young Aussie Neil Sedaris?

Tomorrow I'll talk about the success of the Candlelight Memorial, with Aussie Justice Michael Kirby giving a great speech, as always.

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