Tuesday 19 May 2015

On second thoughts....

Still ruminating about the results of Candlelight and the future of BP. Will I, or won't I, write Auckland a letter of heartfelt advice, or just let it float along in very troubled waters and come to its own sad conclusion? Things are not good in its financial state and any director/ CEO needs to have more locally attuned fundraising skills.  Should I, or shouldn't I? I think I will let the matter sit for a few more days while I get my business in order, as really it is no longer my business as I am not now on the Board. 
But is that a cop-out?

A different view...

On the streets....

Reason's many comments on culture

Mark Reason again on the ball with valid opinions on this 'footy' movie, calling it a valid observation on the 'slow death of the New Zealand dream', bringing to mind John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and the suffering of the American farmers in their dustbowl centre. I don't think the comparison is absolutely valid, although the local climate change/drought has adversely affected many farmers NZ is still not in dire straits regarding its agricultural future. He does however, justly comment that the film's theme is one of optimism in the face of the global climate problem, or is it ignorance I wonder? In the film there was not a lot of intellectual analysis going on, more like how much grog you must toss back to achieve so-called 'manhood'.

Still Reason always writes an interesting article, citing the three main characters of Kelvin, Broomie and Peanut as using Rugby as the mainstay of their otherwise workfilled and simple lives.

Last night I had an important dream on the need to touch, in order to feel connected with the world, especially if you are not in an intimate relationship as so many are. And I questioned how much, or little, I physically touch other  people in my life. And I discovered I do, quite a bit, with my various activities such as dancing and Waiata singing (the Maori are very touchy/feely people), and even a lttle at the swimming pool which is a very physical place. So I feel I am in a very healthy situation, albeit, not in a committed relationship at the moment. Perhaps that might change on my return to OZ. Who knows, I am open to it and it is a significant return to my origins and a place for serious reflection and planning for my future.

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