Wednesday 6 May 2015

Modern Times

'Remember the days in the old school yard'....Cat Stevens' words resonate today although they are forty years old. The old school yard is not what it was, and never will be again with the advent of the smart phone and apps. A new one called Yik yak has been banned at schools. Enabling kids to not just waste time but create odious situations which they will later doubtless regret. I just received word from a Sydney friend whose granddaughter recently committed suicide. The reasons probably pertain to her peers at school. In year 8, she was only thirteen years old and very bright, very sensitive, and obviously not coping with adolescence. Her mother has said there are not enough blue-bottles in the ocean to count her regrets at the the death of her darling daughter.

The progress of the world certainly seems in the balance. The nearby secondhand bookshop, the Busy Bee, has shelves full of books written to make people aware of the dying earth planet, but what about the people on it? This was a thirteen year old girl and the effect of her death will ripple on to so many people surrounding her. She had so much to offer, having super-talented and loving parents, but there were flaws obviously and they resulted in this fateful end. Her writer-mother had also written a novel about a teenage suicide in a dysfunctional family so there may lie the rub. My friend just can't understand how it happened but the secret lies in the mother and she may take it to the grave herself.
I feel for all of them as this Soul has been prematurely cruelly taken away but will come back one day to complete Its mission.

Books to change the world as it is

 Commercialisation of modern medicine, is it good?Are these increasing replacement operations creating a world which will struggle along on crutches?

An App to make kids squirm, where are we going?

Pacquiao's fight a rip-off, literally! This multi-million dollar fight is now shown to have been a no-match with the Filipino combattant suffering from a bad shoulder injury before the match began. But he did make $10 million for his pain!

Sausage roll at the Memphis, life is more simple in Wellington I think.

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