Saturday 2 May 2015

Sunday at Lyall Bay, in the sun

I have come uptown to the Brooklyn Penthouse Cinema to see if there's a good movie on. No, I have seen them all, so I decide to have a coffee and read the Sunday paper. The coffee is not so good so I fear the news may be the same and I am not very wrong.

First the joyous arrival of a new Royal Princess to Will and Kate - NZ loves British Royalty inspite of anything they may say.

Next an article about the Prime Minister'sdaughter who is an artist and lives in Paris, I suppose on her dad's income. As you can see the daughter, Cherry Lazar, is a bit 'outré', as the French would say, likes to pose in S&M gear and take selfies, but the French would love that. It is also a generational thing I suppose. All been done before but now with the new photoshopping techniques you can do anything with the results. See pic below...

Cherry on a bed...

 But the big article  of interest in the paper  is a good inteview with an ex-Aussie, forgive my country, called Hopeful Christian. He is the 88 year old leader of a cult group of alternative-living people on the west coast of the south isle, just far enough away normally to avoid the scrutiny of the curious press. But this seems to me like a 'Jonestown' in the making, as it is a community of fundamentalist Christians who believe that it's normal to have children, and many, at age thirteen or thereabouts. It is self-sufficient and wealthy as all give their money to the upkeep of the community. Quite a few disenchanted Gloriavale (yes, that's its name) residents have quit recently and they haven't been too complimentary in their summation of this extreme religious cult. We'll have to wait to see what will happen I suppose. It's happened before and it could happen again. New Zealand would be suitably outraged.

Decide to pay Lesley a visit, however he's not at home but at gorgeous Lyall Bay where we catch up for a long overdue chat. He is, as always, in great form and shows me his latest acquisition, a deep green Honda, very nice indeed. 

Plane landing at Lyall Bay Airport

Lesley (aka Topsy) in new sea-green Honda!

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