Saturday 30 May 2015

Wet Sunday

Having done the market at Vic. Street I am having a coffee at the Raglan Roast in Abel Smith Street. Always nice tasting coffee, although not my own cup, it has some good magazines to look at especially the NZ 'Interior' mag, which is a great example of Kiwi excellence in design and has such forward-looking editors, it is, in itself, a reason for wanting to stay in this creative isle.

Raglan Roast lounge area

Always knew cannibis was addictive...

California drought for fifteen years is worst in a thousand years...what to do?

Great design mag...

It is a day of recollection and decision making as my meeting with Y has given me other options.
As we are both impulsive Geminis it is wise to take our time and gauge the future. I rang him this morning and we chatted. He is depressed about the loss of the man whom he was attentive to for forty years. I totally understand, and it will take time to emerge from his gigantic shadow. We decided to give ourselves the best space possible so I will return as planned, to Gosford, and he will visit me there so we can get to know each other on a foreign soil. He does not know Australia, and I know he will enjoy his time there. If we feel very together eventually I can rejoin him in NZ or we can make other plans. There is always a solution and we will make it as easy as possible for both of us. It is an exciting position to be in, and I feel very optimistic about the future.
I may even leave Bella with him as I know I will never sell her for the right price and I would prefer she stays with a friend.
Peter in Sydney sent me a beautiful email about accepting anything I choose to do to be right, and he finished by saying:
'May he love tomorrow who has never loved before,
And may he who has loved before,
Love again tomorrow'

Love that quote and I wonder where it comes from?

But other news is that my newly planted tooth filling has mysteriously disappeared. The dentist said he had problems getting it to stick and now it is totally gone, and my $500 with it. A phone call on Tuesday will see that  fixed, but it will mean yet another visit to not my favourite place in the world. In Gosford I may catch up with Rob my preferred dentist who can give me trusted advice. Teeth certainly are a drain on the finances, especially in New Zealand.

Tonight is Ron's house-warming and it will be an interesting event, he never is simple in his personal life although he is a loving and generous soul. I will go for a short while as tomorrow I have an important visit with Y. If it is meant to be it willl happen, and I have no worries about the future. 
Happiness is my only goal, and that is for everyone.

In the meantime back to the absorbing read of Oliver Sacks and his fantastic voyage into life and all its vicissitudes. He was such an adventurer, and came from an incredibly brilliant and achieving, progressive English Jewish family. He has done so much that his legacy in writing and the study of neurology will remain for a long time.

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