Tuesday 28 February 2017

Computer problems...

My computer class yesterday was a veritable waste of time and the teacher agreed that I was not in the right class. It appears I need to go to see Apple Service, in Hornsby, to get my iMac house-cleaned. Perhaps I will return to attend an i-Pad class after that.
Progress being made with HIV meds -  hopefully we will see the end of their necessity, one day.
Politics is crooked, and ex Premier Baird is now working with the big bank NAB only six weeksafter resigning from the top job in the State. He even doesn't bother to shave now he is out of public office. Good riddance to him I say.
Finally the knowlege of the Indigneous people is being recognised and is a deep area we need to learn from.
Australia Post CEO tries to be squeaky-clean, but walks off with five million dollars for his perky job.
This referendum for which I returned to be a part of, is all-important for the future of our country.
Is this a 'Pirate World' we are still living in? I think so
Being gay now is in the realm of 'everyone knows and doesn't care'.
Yes Vickerman committed suicide, but he was so popular with his mates they wanted to fly home for the funeral. This Black Dog so prevalent in big sport, has to be addressed.

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