Saturday 11 May 2013

Cafe Balduina

Just received some awful service in local cafe, the waitress was in such a bad mood she spilled coffee all over the table! She bought me a new one, but with cold milk. I still haven't learned how to order my coffees in Rome.

Yesterday was really my first day, and was spent in the time-honoured way of bussing through the major sites, checking where I will revisit. The crowds at the Coliseum were too great to contemplate visiting there so I may rethink that plan. However it was excellent and I finished again at the Vatican
where I decided to have some lunch, not exciting, at a local cafe. I was seated next to four Americans from Colarado, about my age, chatting about their trip The men were macho, the women quite nice. Nodded to me 'bravo' when I gave some small change to a Romany girl, suckling her baby, was it hers, I wondered.

Feeling tired, I caught the Metro home for a nap and then checked out the cinemas. Max, my host, had said cinema Adriano, where he saw the Beatles in 1965 was now converted to a complex, but one movie had a five star movie at six pm. I hurried to the bus stop, caught the next bus 913, discovered two helpful Romans who disagreed where I should alight, but luckily I took the girl's advice and miraculously arrived in time to see a delightful Japanese kids' cartoon movie called 'Kiki'. I was the lone adult there and enjoyed it immensely.

Home for an early night as today it is Carravaggio at the Villa Borghese tomorrow.
Ooh, I forgot, I also booked a seat for Saturday night's opera at a basilica near Piazza del Popolo, La Traviata, a must when in Italy to see an opera, I was thinking....

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