Thursday 16 May 2013


The train trip to the little Worcester village of Pershore was a delight, and luxurious, with free wifi and even food to buy.
Arrived with Hal right there to pick me up and a big welcome from her Mum, Jan, and son, Rufus. Lots to talk about over a cup of tea and then a light supper before we watched an excellent show on Stonehenge Hal had recorded. 

An excellent night's sleep and awake to another lovely day, as was yesterday as it had warmed up a little. Rufus was going kayaking that day and came home wet, having fallen into the river. No harm there. Hal took me on an extended walk to the weir and it was all very green, English and beautiful. That afternoon with her friend Guy arriving from London, we decided to have a lunch at the local pub, outside on the banks of the Avon. It was a delight, and Rufus gave us a Wiggles exhibition. Afterwards I went shopping for a sweater in the Main Street and they went home.
It was a lovely start to my English stay. 

Tomorrow it is to Oxford, to see my old friends Meg and John.

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