Saturday 18 May 2013


Last night was spent in Piddington, Bicester, Oxfordshire. Meg and John, friends of over forty years, had Hal and me to lunch in their 17th century home. Was great and Hal managed well after a near two hour drive from Pershore. 

A good night's sleep, and then on to see John's exhibition in Bicester, the local village. He is a better than average sculptor and the quality overall was excellent, see photos. Met some lovely people and even one whom I may meet next year in Wellington, Sally Trench, an author and exceptional third-world worker from South Africa. She invited me to visit her there and she is coming to Wellington next year. We actually had friends in common in Wellington.
All in all it was an excellent visit,  and Meg and John were delightful hosts, as usual. Now am on train to Richmond to see Anna.

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