Saturday 11 May 2013

In Air over Russia

Well, not really, as I've just flown out of Helsinki. 
The earlier flight was OK as I took a valium to help me get some much needed sleep. My neighbour was a sweet young Singapore student on here way to Warsaw on an exchange program. She was conveniently tiny and quiet. My excitement escalated on viewing Finland from the air, all sea and small islands. However I didn't have much time to savour its culture as I had to run to make the transfer, last one on board! 

But now I am on my last leg I am much more relaxed, getting ready for the madness of Italy. My first impression of the Finns was excellent and I look forward to my return flight when I have nine hours to look at, and taste their excellence. A proud and honest race and one with whom I am sure I would be happy to share their culture. Happily again I have no neighbour and it's a very well regulated flight, with perhaps even a good breakfast, I am hoping.

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