Tuesday 14 May 2013

St Peter's

Well, what can one say after witnessing one of the greatest, if not THE greatest artists in all of art history, Michelangelo. After meeting the rep of 'Enjoy Rome' tours at corner of via Germanica and Leone IV, I found the group was made up of many nationalities, including one Aussie couple, of which, more later.

We set off at 1pm, wondering if I should have booked the earlier visit, but really it didn't matter. Whenever you visit the Vatican it is with 30,000 others.  It was worth it however, as you must just forget the constant bumping and squashing and remember you are here for an experience you will never forget. The three hour tour needed all of that, but then many more courageous or fitter than I, like the two Aussies from Ballarat, went on to do it all again!

For me, it was to be thought about, and savoured when I had time to myself. It is really crazy the high tourist season in Rome, when it is for many, the only time for the locals to make a dollar. I bought a few post cards, keeping travel weight down, and contented myself with that, and my memories and few (dozen) photos. My battery went flat just as we entered the last stage, St Peter's itself. Well no matter, I had taken my share.
Home to rest and recuperate for today's fare, the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.

The queues....
The Art.....

The Aussies in red and caps...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dreamweaver,

    I have just read all your posts. You are so brave to tackle all that bustle of such a large city. I can relate to it however, as I did Europe in much the same way, when back in my twenties.

    As I write this, Treasurer Swan is delivering his gloom and doom budget speech. He says he is going to bring in a special tax for pensioners who globetrot and do such lavish things as going to see the opera in Roma!

