Tuesday 21 May 2013

London Festival Hall

Well I am now in Central London, and I seem to recognise everything. Quick twenty minute express train from Richmond to Waterloo, after buying a day travel card for eight pounds. Although it's grey and cool and I'll be walking 'most everywhere. Crossing the Jubilee Bridge and discovering Festival Hall canteen, I decide to stop and have a second breakfast of English porridge and coffee here. There are quite a few here, and it's only 10.45am.

Backtrack to Richmond where Anna and I went for a walk along the Thames, looking at the former King's Palace and then taking in a movie, Aussie director Baz Luhrman's 'Gatsby'. It was good, critics had panned it but it will be a big success as it has Baz Luhrman's stamp on it. Colour and lots of good acting, and even Scott Fitzgerald's granddaughter said it evoked the right atmosphere. We strolled home at five o'clock through the gardens of the old Royal Richmond Palace, although very little is left of it, except some grand private apartments which are now worth a few million pounds apiece.

Back to breakfast, porridge was hot and excellent served with honey and thick brown sugar pots on the side. My Americano, the coffee of choice for many, a long black with side milk, is good and also a glass of iced water alongside, very American.

The room temperature is very hot as they've had no spring weather here, and everyone is dressed for the winter. Thank God I bought my sweater at the charity shop in Pershore. I have all day to stroll down the Thames, perhaps even visit the National Gallery, a mere ten minutes walk, with the London Eye at five minutes, and the Globe, on the way to London Borough, where I will check in for tonight's sleep at the Back Packer Hostel, St. Christopher's, at London Borough, just a short bus ride to Liverpool Street station where tomorrow I take the train to Stansted for my return to Bella Roma. 

My UK time has been excellent, but I did carefully pre-plan it all. My friends were excessively kind and I have enjoyed it all. Tonight I join Gen Y for an interesting evening, meeting the young two year old Havana Soto, Lydia and Alexy's daughter, which was one reason for my London Visit. Will be good I'm sure.

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