Tuesday 21 May 2013

Return to Rome

Am in Stansted Airport, financed by Irish Mr Ryan of Ryanair. Past security with a full body search, and now waiting for flight to Rome.
Last night had lovely reunion with Lydia and met her two year old Havana, whose dad Alexy is a marvel. Lydia had just returned from Turkey and was completely exhausted, but her brother Jasper joined us and Alexy cooked a roast chook with fried plantanes which I had mistakenly bought at the local Peckham Rye Market for bananas! They resemble them but can't be eaten raw. Peckham Rye is ninety percent black and the African food reigns supreme. A lovely place and warm and welcoming, I even bought a pair of Ghanian shoes for ten pounds!
More souvenirs...
The night at the hostel was forgettable, sharing with a Russian couple and a Japanese boy. 
I awoke after taking a valium at 6.30, and gratefully left without a shower and quickly made my way to the airport early.

Liverpool Station

With a Happy Havana...

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