Saturday 11 May 2013

Caffe Siciliano

Today I feel less jetlagged so am having collazione at local Siciliano cafe. Yesterday was exhausting, walking a quarter of Ancient Rome to visit the Villa Borghese, the Galleria in the meandering lush greenery of the giardine. The Villa itself was worth the trip to Rome, amazing opulence and the sculptures, and paintings, Carravaggio to be sure, were incredible. I emerged artistically exhausted but satiated and little drops of rain were trying to appease the quite humid spring day. the French were out in droves, and a few Americans. One such couple waxed bitterly about our tour purchaser, the famous Viator, they had missed their guided tour and they had no more tickets. The American dame was ropable, and told everyone she would 'yelp' very quickly about this monstrous mistake. This is the new way to complain, the Internet complaint service, where the world now knows of your perceived injustices. Later I spoke to her, still somewhat aggrieved. She had at least made the cut, but had no guided tour which she had booked and paid for.

Walking through the famous gardens in the spattering rain, looking at all the tourists, some on bikes, the new-eco transport, some on one-wheelers, obviously having a good time, seems to be a good
 way to experience Rome. I passed by the Museum of Modern Art, but couldn't manage it, and walked on, a bit lost, down the big boulevard. I noticed suddenly Via Antonio Gramsci, just where my friend T.  always stays when she come regularly to visit Roma to study at the British Institute. 

Getting more tired, I eventually made Metro Flaminia at the Piazza del Popolo and took the train back to Cipro, and home. It was only five o'clock but my day was done. I was ready to lie down and think over the day. After all, it wasn't just the Galleria Borghese, but the walk from Piazza di Spagna through Via Condotti to the Fontana Di Trevi, then along the winding and famous Via Veneto, which has surely seen better days, and the hour or so walk on the cobbled streets has left me wanting to lay down and rest my aching back.

After a day of Art, today is shopping, and I hope also to purchase two rail tickets, one to Naples and one to Orvieto, todo when I return after London.

 Home after a big morning, checking out my next residence, where I am staying on my return from London. The place looks good, but Iolanda, my hostess, wasn't at home. I take the tram back to Termini where I decide to look into booking tickets for Naples and Orvieto. After coping with the touts trying to help me, I manage to get my two trips books, for no particular days, so I will just go when I feel like it. I have always wanted to see Naples and I know Orvieto is beautiful. So my week in Rome on return is nearly filled. 

Feeling tired I see the Caffe Ciao on the first level at Termini, a self-service, so I think I'll try it. Not a good idea! I want to tell everyone, do not eat at the Termini, unless you just want to view the masses from above, which is what I eventually did. The food was awful, and even the girl sitting next to me couldn't eat her salad. You do need to pick you eateries in any city I suppose. However a lesson was learned, and now am back home for a brief rest before the experience of the opera, Verdi's popular La Traviata, done by a local company, but should still be OK. 

Photo of Caffe Siciliano.

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