Saturday 11 May 2013

La Traviata

It's domenica mattina, and I'm again having collazione at my local caffe Siciliano. This time I try a cappuccino and two pastries, just trying things out, I tell myself! Anyway I am on my way to Stadio Olimpico, with no tix, hoping to get a day pass for thirty euros.

Last night at the English church in via del Baduino, I witnessed an interesting operatic scene not likely to be heard elsewhere. Some retired singers and some new ones in a creditable and sometimes excellent rendition, of the Verdi favourite, La Traviata. The bass singer was astounding, an older man, and he was kind enough to present himself at the exit door to receive 'auguries' from the audience. 
The church itself, reputed to have the best acoustics in all of Rome, didn't disappoint. There were plaques all around commemorating the English liberating Rome in1944. Also the first visit from the Archbishop of Canterbury to meet the Pope, Jean Paul 23rd since the reformation.

Home on the metro with many young Scandinavians, and then luckily a direct connection of bus 913 to take me home tired but happy.

Earlier in the evening, I experienced the 'passiagiata' along Via del Corso, from Piazza di Spagna to Piazza del Popolo and it was interesting, but nothing to compare with the same in Istanbul last year, which was twice as big, and much more exciting. Rome is still happening, but not with the buzz of yesteryear. ..the tourists have taken over, and the inmates are running the asylum.

Will now go to local supermarket to get some lunch for a long day at the tennis. Yesterday, the girl at the cash register was lovely and took my bunch of bananas to weigh all the way back to where I had picked them up, me not realising that you need to price them 'sur place' ! The service in the area is local and very attentive, and it's not touristy, which is the best.

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