Thursday 2 January 2014

August - Osage County

Back to life in Wellington - or for two hours life in Oklahoma, USA. 

Being a sucker for Meryl Streep, and knowing that it won a Pulitzer Prize, a Tony Award amongst others, I was interested to see it on the big screen.
 'August: Osage County' did not disappoint. The star cast was excellent, and the story was utterly believable, given the state of American society today, or for that matter, most western societies. Set in Oklahoma, in the hottest summer month, hence the title, the extreme heat set the stage for some big changes, in particular, the effects of a suicide. The story could  have been written for any western country, but it was essentially that of a dysfunctional America. A story of incest, alcoholism, drug addiction, marital infidelities and such, culminating in the truth being eventually outed after the suicide of the father, and the awful revelations of the matriarch. 
Not a truly uplifting tale, but a realistic one unfortunately, marvellously portrayed. Five stars.

Back to violent storms and gale winds, Wellington at its typical best. Just take a breath and battle on.

By the way, I have posted some belated shots of my camping at Vinegar Hill on the relevant earlier posts. It was on the kind suggestion of good friend M, a great Tassie artist who sells his excellent oil paintings and other art on RedBubble, under the title 'charlipadart', certainly worth checking out.

The Interislander ploughing across the Strait

Meryl Streep as the matriarch Violet, of a very dysfunctional mid-west family.

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