Saturday 18 January 2014

Out of the Square - Wellington

Well what a day in a summery Wellington!
It was the Big Day Out on the Square, or as I prefer, out OF the square. A few dozens of gay oriented or just gay friendly, stalls offering food, information, memberships, drinks, gelato, were occupying the city square outside Town Hall and the City Library. This is now the major celebration of being different in Wellington and it is a well-attended tradition. It is an excellent space for such a festa and today is nearly wind-free, and quite sunny. A stage with some imported drag performers from Christchurch and Auckland dominates the venue and my choir, the Glamaphones were sing some of their repertoire. Having missed the rehearsal I was not to sing on this big day unfortunately and this may be an omen of me leaving the choir this year. I even saw many at the festa who had made the same pilgrimage to Vinegar Hill.  After all, Wellington is not a big city. It was enjoyable and as part of the Body Positive contingent, we made its presence felt. The feeling at the stall  was such that I was then persuaded to join the team, continuing the celebrations into the night, it being the long weekend, a fact which I had forgotten.

So it was another new experience. With my compatriots I ventured forth to the famous Rush Bar, where there was to be held a Foam Party. A veritable dance party in suds.  Well it certainly was an experience, and now I've done it, I won't be doing it again, although on my casual walk home, at midnight, I felt extremely clean and relaxed. So it had a good effect! There was a good mix of all sexes there, and many were obviously 'foam addicts'! So be it, I have now been to a foam party.

However tomorrow I will begin my swimming for the year with the Gay swimming Club which successfully recruited me today. I will enjoy that, and after then to the first ballroom dance of the year, a healthy start to 2014.

Three Divas showing their stuff

Go Girl!

Doin' it on the stage at Out on the Square

With Lesley, in red.

A bird's eye view...

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