Thursday 16 January 2014

Last day in Gosford

My trip is nearly over...a lovely breakfast at M's where he insisted he serve me his usual, smoked salmon on Bulgarian fetta on a toasted bruschettina slice. Very fortifying indeed. As well a large cup of coffee in a large custom made French mug. We then took Maisie and Wag for their morning walk to Woy Woy Bay which was deliriously peaceful and calm, saying Hullo! to many of the locals and even meeting a neighbour walking his own Corgi. It was quite blissful and I don't see them leaving this paradise in a hurry, although he insists NZ is beckoning.

Next encounter was with dear friend C. who had much news and with whom we all had another drink at the local Gnostic Cafe. This time I had a beetroot, carrot and celery drink as I felt my body was calling for it.  C  assured me it was time to do a liver detox as the little discomfort I have felt for the last week is surely from that part of my body. Back to Wellie and raw juices and fewer coffees. I will soon fix this one. As we were all Op. Shop freaks we looked in at  a couple at WW and I bought a check shirt and a present for L. back in Wellie.

A good morning done I was able to take the train to Gosford to meet up with my final RV lunch with A  and H and Susie. whom I hadn't seen for a year or more. There was great news from her as she in a new relationship which is working, finally. A good augury for this year and the new bf loves NZ. ...But then, who doesn't? The universe is constantly telling me I have made the right choice in moving to this end of the earth, the Middle Earth.

After a delicious lunch to which A invited us all, I had an hour free to browse and perhaps shop. So here I am having a LAST coffee at an old haunt. It is air-conditioned which I remember is essential in this Central Coast heat. To-day I hear it is over Forty Degrees Celsius in Melbourne. Ugh!!

Going over this old territory is good therapy as it is a part of my past, but one that is well and truly over and to which I don't see myself ever returning. Now on to the Sydney train and early arrival at the airport....

At an old haunt in Imperial Arcade Gosford.

Arriving at Woy Woy at the Spike Milligan Cycle Bridge!
Woy Woy....
The Sydney train in the quiet, mobile-free carriage

At Sydney International with a Kiwi waiting...nearly home!
And believe it or not, he sat next to me on board and looked at his smart i-Pad the whole trip!

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