Wednesday 1 January 2014

Vinegar Hill

Well we made it! Four of us stuffed into a small VW, bright red of course, with a mess of hastily prepared camping facilities and some food, ready to set off on our five day odyssey to Vinegar Hill. It was a two hour trip but somehow it took us four hilarious hours to get there. Aunty K from Auckland flew down last night to join her two cousins and we were indeed a colourful group, especially L who was really ready for the camping trip, wardrobe-wise anyway.  We arrived at Hunterville, the site itself a mere ten minutes away, but the weather looked ominous. We were in for an interesting five days, mostly it seemed, of rain!
Nugget our neighbours' dog, being petted, out of the rain.

The Rangitikei river running through the site was an absolute dream! The high cliffs behind it set off the swirling fast flowing somewhat muddy water perfectly. Soon we were unpacked and the two tents were quickly erected, with a little help from friends H and P who had been there a week already and had chosen a great spot right on the river. Happily they had reserved a place right next to them for us. We just had time to cook the rice and warm the curry which I had made the night before, on our gas cookers, before the weather turned nasty and the rain started pouring down, and pour it did, for about three hours. However spirits not at all dampened, we waited and the downpour finally stopped and the partying began. It was the first party and called a Glow party, where everyone was given strands of florescent tubing decorating their somewhat clothed bodies.The whiff of weed was in the air and the atmosphere was absolute Vinegar Hill, so I was told.  I chatted with some of the very friendly guests for about an hour before leaving the oil wrestlers to themselves and their appreciative audience. I then strolled back in the dark towards my very drenched tent. Sleep was a while coming as the partiers, and it was their night, were determined  to go on to the wee hours enjoying themselves. It was after all, the first party, of many, for the season. Get ready for some sleep deprivation I told myself, but the atmosphere was too good to naysay anything. The people, all colours, sexes and sizes, in all manner of attire, and as well, it seemed like dozens of dogs, both tiny and very large, all created an unforgettable atmosphere which the wet weather was not going to spoil.

I forgot to mention, when the sun was still out, (there was an hour or two) H suggested we all go for a river ride, down the non-threatening rapids, in large rubber inner tubes, covered in bright plastic, which were free for all to use. The result was a super spectacular experience which took me back over sixty years, when I was a little boy in an inflated tyre in the Gwydir River in NSW. It was exhilarating to say the  least, and the water was fresh and inviting, despite the constant danger of being upset, which only meant complete immersion and climbing back on board. It was a great start to this week of celebrating all things queer and gay.

L. In his rain protective head-dress

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