Tuesday 14 January 2014

Central Coast NSW

My penultimate day in Oz is in the area where I grew up and went to school. I have a few friends, not from school days, who live here and it is a physically beautiful beach region, but spiritually, rather lacklustre. However I had an interesting encounter on the train. It was quite full when I entered at Hornsby, having taken the North Shore line there from Town Hall Station. 

On entering the carriage a young man in his early twenties offered me a seat opposite him where he had been resting his feet! I accepted graciously and sat to look at him as he wanted to have a chat. He lived in Woy Woy and had just started a labouring job in Sydney for the last few weeks. Across his bare chest was tatooed in Gothic Script 'Griffiths'. I commented on it and he, surprised I could read the font, said 'Yes, that's my name'. I told him I knew a Dave Griffiths who went to school with me. He then said Dave is his father's name, and he was 69 yo which is the same age as me. I asked what school he had gone to, his father, but he didn't, know, confessing his father didn't ever talk about his early life. He was one of eight kids by the way. There is no doubt in my mind it is the same Dave as my friend, and soon the young Griffiths went for a stroll to look for girls I think. 

The other man opposite, who had overheard our conversation, I then spoke to. He had a huge suitcase so I asked if he had just returned from OS. Well, he had come from Fiji, the case was virtually empty, but he was coming to Gosford to see his Doctor, the same as me. I thought he looked very old but in calculation he was only 61yo and still a medical CEO. Such is the life of a traveller.

On arriving at Gosford I went immediately to see my kiwi Doctor Debbie, who smilingly received me and immediately gave me the two pills which I needed. She was wearing a headscarf so I asked her what's happened? Cancer, breast chemo.. I sympathised with her, and mentioned that my friend Jayne had just recovered in the same way. All would be good.

As I exited her room, I caught sight of my friend Malcolm waiting for me, a surprise. He had arranged to be there to see Dr Deb at the same time. How gracious of him. 

My last two days have been as busy as the first few in Brighton. What will happen tomorrow? On the way home  to M's house in Woy Woy, we pass the local cemetery to see my Mum's grave. All is in order and I can report to the other siblings. So on to Woy Woy and to meet M's friend, Dean, and the two dogs, Maisie and Wag. We arrive and D. is busy in the kitchen cooking, the dogs are as friendly as ever and I take a shower.
I thankfully take the offered nap and now here I am, in Woy Woy Bay, waking up.  

Dean preparing dinner...
Maisie and Wag

Dean with his latest sculpture

Malcolm showing me his renovated balcony

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