Tuesday 7 January 2014

The haven of Te Papa in Wellington

Today I needed a small haven from the continuous cold and wet weather. How I am finally looking forward to Sydney's steamy heat for a week. But I know I'll be glad to be back. If ever I need reassurance all I need to do is to visit this wonderful Museum and look at the art, the people, and feel the Maori presence. Really magnificent.

Home tonight with the DVD of Brokeback Mountain, a favourite  of many people and certainly one of mine. All alone in our tiny TV room, the entertainment centre of the house I jokingly call it, I watched a banned love affair unravel into a terrible tragic ending. It was an interesting postscript to my camping trip to Vinegar Hill, but with an incredible gap between the disparate sensibilities and final results.
I wonder if I'll ever return to the Hill under different circumstances...who knows?

Experience Te Papa
David Lange's historic Labour victory in 1984

The salon in an Edwardian Kiwi home

Some weird fashions in the WOW Collection

More fashion....

A piece of art in metal and beads

Outside a door at Te Papa

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