Sunday 12 January 2014

Saturday's talks

What can I say? Eckankar seminars are something which you need to experience, you can't translate  the effect of them into the written word. However I'll try to remember some salient points, mainly coming from some inspirational speakers and some extremely talented young people who will no doubt be making their effect on the wider world in the years to come. I am humble at their feet, and below are mine, a bit tired like me before bed.
Day two at the seminar was the first full day which began with a well attended HU song at eight am.
I decided to register as a volunteer host for the afternoon program, something which I always enjoy doing. Am still catching up with old friends, and witnessing the growth of their children, both physically, and spiritually. The ECK youth continues to astound me, I don't know why, as ECK is the path of miracles, and the youth who were born into ECK families are certainly starting with an advantage, which is reflected in their advanced insights into their lives.

The American guest speakers continue to impress with their speaking skills, but more with what they have to relate. As film producers they have a bunch of interesting stories, having worked with US Presidents and the like. They tell the story of how they met and got together, one an ECKist and one not, but who soon became one on meeting Sri Harold, the Living ECK Master. They had the audience in stitches and really are a perfect comic duo. Supremely articulate, their charmed lives represent all that one could dream of in a perfect world, and they have lots more to do. The wife,  who has just written her first book called Inner Guidance, which strangely (not) sold out on the first day, is a born risk taker, and her life tells the story of how she was directed, and protected, in some very hairy escapades. She is also blonde and looks like Doris Day! It was quite a day and I will try to take notes tomorrow to refresh my memory of some of the more memorable moments. 

At the dinner break before the evening session, on M's suggestion we repaired to an excellent local Thai restaurant, this time on the beach strip, and we chose a perfect table with views of the bay. The food was great and the restaurant soon filled with Seminar attendees searching for the same good food. With some more time to spare, a stroll along the promenade, peppered with veiled Muslim women and their   families, was an interesting and pleasant postscript to dinner. We sat on the grassy verge and gazed at the blue haze and passing pedestrians enjoying what we are enjoying, a beautiful balmy summer evening on Brighton Beach. 

It is a very Middle Eastern experience, ironically on the shores of Botany Bay where La Perouse landed and where many early Aborigines were massacred. Strange is the history of the place, now a Muslim stronghold, with an enormous new Mosque being built right next to the Novotel where the Seminar is being held. The future if the area is curiously assured.

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