Tuesday 14 January 2014

Hyde Park Sydney

Well lots can happen in twenty-four hours...my RV with H yesterday did not eventuate and as I had no phone coverage he could not leave a message.  Strangely the text came though much later. An email also from him sent that morning when I was off-line, told me his  mother had had a fall,  haemorrhaged her brain and was in a life threatening conditon. He sounded in control and I now will only see him on my return visit in April en route to USA. Things like this happen with a reason and we will discover why in the future, I will be fascinated to hear what happens. Our correspondence so far has been in the highest order so I am quietly hopeful.

I emerged last night from the horror story of Japanese atrocities at the Dendy wondering why I hadn't checked it out beforehand. However Nicole Kidman performed well and it was for her I went.
 Home to a quiet bro and this morning we exchanged slideshows of our recent lives. His was a very interesting series of shots of the life of his recently deceased mother-in-law and her wonderful productive life, having nine children, with only Margaret, Mike's wife, having predeceased her. In contrast, my slideshow of Vinegar Hill was good but at a tangent from his. He liked it however. 

Today is my day in Gosford to see my former Dr and get an update on pills and treatment. Then to  see friends M and D for the night at Woy Woy Bay, and tomorrow flying home to Wellie, and the cooler weather. But today is exquisite and I am enjoying every minute of it. H. My RV here at Cafe Hyde Park, will doubtless be late, mais peu importe. Life is always at the right place at the right time.

The lunch yesterday at London Tavern in Paddington went well, although old friend P is not in the best of health, her American and German friends however, were a force of nature, and E showed me her new E-book recently published and written and illustrated by herself. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, it is the story of a Samoyed dog's journey around the world and written from the dog's point of view. It is an eco-story, and explains the disasters happening everywhere in the word today because of ignorance and carelessness, and just downright bloody mindedness. These two are dedicated Eco-warriors.

Service from a lovely Italian waitress from Sargdegna
Sydney on a gorgeous summer day

My healthy carrot, apple juice.

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