Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year's Eve - the party

Below Rosie and Eddy, a great couple and natives of the area, from the beach-side village of  Foxton to be exact, who are habitues of the VH Fest. This year they decided to contribute with their fast-food van and they parked it next to friend Shayne's  kombie. Rose exudes the essence of the celebrations and is a generous soul, typical of the love generated by the Festival. 

Well the universe has decided enough is enough, and today, the most important day,  the weather is spectacular - sunny and warm, but not too hot, and the memory of the rainy days is fast forgotten as the team gears up with regular deliveries of logs and bracken for the huge bonfire marking the epicentre of the festivities tonight. Many of the campers are having a well earned afternoon sleep in preparation for the long night ahead, but some of the young ones have already started with their music creating a background for what is to come.
Rose and Eddy

Bucolic bliss on New Year's Eve

Shayne's egg yolk tent

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