Sunday 30 November 2014


Mixed emotions woke me up this morning on another grey wet Wellington morning. Yesterday was the end of year  lunch and party for two of my favourite groups, the swimmers and the dancers and I felt really sad as it may be my last Christmas with them. They are an excellent bunch and have welcomed me totally into their warm embrace so now I feel how much I will miss them. I must however put it outof  my head as it is still eight months away and so much to do. Just musing though.

Am at Jimmy's another sad place as it closes this month....such is life endings and new beginnings. At least I can say I have loved every  minute of my time in this metropolis, strange vibrant city that it is. Page three in news in the Post is a severely injured policeman who was brought in to quell the crowd at a six year old's birthday party near Christchurch. Really.. But this is not unusual news in NZ. It just sounds strange at first read, I hope the policeman recovers or it will have been a memorable party for the six year old for all the wrong reasons!

More interesting news is that Angela Merkel is the only world leader standing up to the dictatorship that has become Russia with Putin's autocratic rule. They clashed about gay rights, Putin considering this part of the West's terrible depravity and immorality. But it is not just this that Putin has wrong, he is becoming another Hitler.

Gearing up for the Christmas madness means only that I have about fifteen cards to write, much less than usual but I am reducing them so as not to buy into the hype surrounding this time of the year..the quicker it is over the better. Bring on the New Year with Hogmanay!

At Jimmy's...

...with the waiters...

..and a murder on the hill!

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