Saturday 9 August 2014

At te Marae

In middleWell the long weekend turned into a short one. The trip was simple, but unrewarding to say the least.
It is Saturday night and I am prematurely home, missing the major event of the Te Reo weekend, feeling that it was not worth the suffering to endure another night in a large cold space filled with seventy close together mattresses and many people snoring. One night, with the help of a valium, was enough. And the food was execrable, even for amateur catering, it was awful. Bad tummy after each meal, nothing tasty and leftovers offered for the next meal. I am sure the large  'hangi' offered tonight would have been by far the best meal, but I didn't wish to take a chance, and it was going to be a long night and I wanted a good sleep. The activities also were badly organised and very indulgent, so much so that I may finally give in and give up. It really was that bad. I left a generous 'koha' to help with costs but the offering was pretty paltry in my opinion, and I will now consider my options.

So back to Wellie to catch one last FF movie, this time one from OZ.

Entering the Marae, slowly being welcomed...

..some passed-on elders.

Rugged up against the cold, mattresses on floor

In the 'kai', eating room.

In middle, the Maori elder now caretaker of this Marae

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