Sunday 17 August 2014

Sunny Monday in City Library

It really is hard to beat this city on a day like today so I am up ( relatively) early to escape my house where the two housemates are up later than me and mooch around the house, not my bag, so I am into the city for an excellent coffee and a visit to the wonderful library to catch up on some recent rare magazines and formulate a little more clearly where I am going, figuratively and physically. 

It is getting to that time that I realise my time here is limited. I thought it would be four years, then three, (I can't stay here shorter than I stayed in Hobart!) but now I am actually thinking about an earlier exit as  I have things to do in other places. So here are my vague plans at the moment, able to be changed at will and at any time.

Next year I am seventy, gasp, so will spend that week or so with old friends and family in Sydney, no big bash, just quiet get-togethers to see where I am going. In August 2015 I have my three weeks OS, that year in Birmingham at the European ECK Seminar and to catch up with English friends and perhaps even visit Edinburgh and Amsterdam. I am thinking about Normandy and JL but think I'll give it a miss. That chapter is softly closed. Au revoir Jean-Louis!

Returning to Wellington for 2016 which is my year for the Springtime Seminar in Minneapolis and a revisit to fabulous Vancouver, a possible destination for the future. June 2016 is the three year mark for NZ and the beginning of my seventh twelve year cycle, the end of the sixth cycle and one where there will be big changes. So that's where I am at present, thinking about a move in 2016, the year Auckland hosts the OUT games which I may even compete in! A nice way to terminate my sejour in Kiwiland. But will I have done all the things I had planned? ECK-wise, there is the Interfaith to finish, the radio program to polish, and my Satsang to finish, and perhaps a Worship Service to organise. House-wise it is all done and dusted, I have worked that one out and there will be little to do there. BP will have seen me volunteer for three years with some success, and I will have begun again a good swimming regime.  SCD will see me next year at the Summer School at  Dunedin, so that one is ticked off, and French is yet to be done. that will start soon I hope with the neighbourhood project soon  coming to fruition. Ballroom dancing is going well and will continue to improve. Singing with WOSOSI is the same, lots to learn and to enjoy doing it, no problems there, that is if they still want me to sing with them!

I need to learn more about Apple Mac, get a laptop in order to make my next move to be minimal. And who knows where? But it will be very, very, light. I now know just how little I need to have to live well. Less is indeed more!  I love sitting in this library reading Art magazines and just feeling the warm sun shining down. My health is fabulous so that is a bonus but I am not getting any younger in spite of my mind telling me I am! Two more big trips overseas might just do me, then I can stay at home and do small ones around my own country as it is time for me to discover that one. 

OK, I'll finish the ruminations here as I will look at them in six months and see if I have kept them alive or changed them completely. It is all in the hands of the ECK and is actually arleady decided, although if I wish, I could easily change it!
View of the Square with the hanging Sphere..

..studious people in library...

..just a student heaven.

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