Monday 4 August 2014

Home at last- sushi calling!

A day can make a big I am in the Sushi capital on a sunny  Monday afternoon preparing for my Te Reo class, not really, but at least waiting for it to begin by having some sushi.
Sushi galore...

Awoke after a somewhat restless night to a coolish but sunny day in Wellington. Had brekkie with the new housemates who both arose late like me. All went well and checked the rent was still being paid in time, with a few changes, but all OK in that very important department. Also corrected the assumption that Sonny's Mum was welcome for a month in November, No! A serviced apartment will have to be sourced for Mum so I had no hesitation in blocking that one. Am so happy to be back in this buzzy capital, with its inimitable energy and style. A quick visit to BP and made an appt. for acupuncture on Friday, yippee! Also a letter from Europe Car for my WoF, the local name for Road Worthy Certificate, which is to be done this week, something which I had expected, but also I realise the need for getting my Kiwi Driver's Licence which is due soon. Just the toll of being in a new country but nice to know I am legal.
In the meantime I am quickly reminding myself of my Wellie routine, and wondering if swimming tonight might be a bit much for my first day back. A slow return to normality, which is quite a busy reality, might be in order. At least the weather is smiling on me and darling Bella started on the first click of the engine this morning so all is good in that area. 

Am sitting in my favourite Sushi bar on Courtenay Place watching the afternoon sun caress the bodies of the strolling flaneurs. It has its own pace this city, but one laced with smiles and happiness. I think people here do know how lucky they are, especially when the sun shines. This is the quintessential difference  between the excessive ease and luxury that is Cottesloe WA, with its over three hundred days of sun a year, against the backdrop of a city which thrives in spite of it rugged inhospitable climate. Here they value their good days, and work happily through the bad ones. It is indeed an uplifting atmosphere  in Wellington and one which I treasure. Now on to Te Reo, I am so happy to be back home!
Looking on to Courtenay Place

The sushi train....

All rugged up...

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