Monday 25 August 2014

Different Strokes Wellington

I am now taking swimming seriously, going twice a week to the Kilbirnie pool. Tonight I decided to forgo my WelMac meeting (ugh!) and attend DSW and afterwards they had an early meeting to discuss next year's Rainbow Sports Weekend in Wellington and I was strangely invited to attend. It is going to be quite a big event and it will also be my first competitive sporting event for over fifty years! A bit scary really.

Martin our CEO originally from Zimbabwe, is quite a serious person and also tres charmant.

Just returned to hear the amazingly good news that Justice Michael Kirby has accepted our invitation to speak at next year's Candlelight Memorial Vigil at Te Papa as the Keynote speaker What a way for me to be followed! My second twelve months are shaping up to be quite something. I had better watch out for what I am asking, or I might even get too much!

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