Saturday 16 August 2014

Sunday on radio...

Going to be a busy day today so am getting caffeine hit (not!) at Maccas. Horrible coffee, but on the way to an ECK workshop at Flashdog studios, then immediately after on to the first radio show of the new slot at five, then dancing at seven so am packing for a full day, sandwiches and all.

Inner Guidance is what it's all about, and sometimes we just don't get it, like recently when I went to the Marae, deciding to leave early on Saturday and forgot my i-Pad and had to return, not thinking it may have been a sign I was needed there, but no, I went back and picked it up and left, missing out on a possible important Marae experience, that of leaving the Marae with their Blessing the next day. These things of course arenever explained by the Maori as they leave everyone to make their own decisions on the inner, without any influence on their side. It is a very detached and ECK point of view, and I feel I missed it on this occasion. So I will have to learn it again one day. Some times you learn things in retrospect. We have to get over our head trip, and listen to the universe and what it is telling us. Sometimes though, we are just too obstinate!

Likely lassies at Maccas ln Sunday morning....
...or not!

At least I'm in a bright colour...!

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