Wednesday 27 August 2014

Indian food...!

It is Thursday afternoon and Sonny has just knocked on my door with a food offering...lightly poached chicken breast in pistachio -amongst other spices - sauce, accompanied by a suitable mousseline! Tres savoureux! Merci Sonny, you are an excellent chef. I eat it on my bed hoping it is easily digested by my swimming time at 7.30 tonight. Tonight is also my resignation from WOSOSI choir, a sad but necessary decision. They are too good for me and I need to narrow my expended efforts a little, there is also a Rainbow swimming competition in January which I should prepare for. My voice, already a little older and hoarser, is being put out to pasture, for a while at least. I think it is the right move for me.

Sonny's poached bed!

Am having a late after lunch coffee the Havana, top of Tory. A famous cafe but a new one for me. I can see why it's famous, the smell of coffee and the blend and roast in the room next door pervades the whole building. I even may buy some here to take home as it smells so good but I am risking staying awake tonight as it is after one o'clock!

 Naoko just phoned, is very sad at losing the room but it is really not for her, she is too high maintenance. I do need a low maintenance housemate that's for sure! I already have a young Solomon Islander coming in at ten a.m. tomorrow, so that's interesting.

Coffee lovers at Havana...

Notice the art deco espresso machine

Interesting decor, as always on Tory.

Coffee is excellent!

Cakes look good too!

Where I bought my Five Star blend, mmmnn!

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