Saturday 2 August 2014

The Talented Mr DeHeer and Mr Gulpilil

Last day in WA was spent in fabulous Fremantle, visiting niece and family, catching a great local movie, and visiting a top eat-out and gallery in Freo. A very busy and exciting day, especially with the viewing of Rolf De Heer's latest movie with, and about, the great Aboriginal actor and person, David Gulpilil.

The film called 'Charley's Country', co-written by Rolf and David, gave a seeringly accurate portrayal of what it is like to be an Indigenous  person in Australia, a country which only recognised its original inhabitants in 1967 and whose Constitution still doesn't recognise them. It was such an important film and all Aussies, and others, should see it if they want to learn the truth about the result of British colonialism in this country now called Australia. It is a movie I will see again, just to send home the messages I already know, but which are so easy to forget in this one-sided white-oriented country, in spite of its proud claims to be so 'multi-national' and 'multi-cultural', which it certainly is, but built on the back of a near genocide of of its original inhabitants. David Gulpilil should get a big gong for this movie. He was fantastic and it was his, and many other Indigenous people's, story. 
Six big stars for this film.

A cat called Hazel....

The mediterranean feel of Freo. at Robbie's home
Finally a smile from Rob in her lovely kitchen!

A message from this Freo. Art exhibition....
French bulldog waiting patiently.....

As we came out from this moving cinematic experience I spoke to a couple of women who were leaving at the same time, one of whom turned out to be Maori, and we said a few words in Te Reo. She expressed how moved she was as it was such an honest movie, perhaps she felt the need for such to be made in New Zealand, I don't know, but she was lovely. 

We then felt suddenly hungry so luckily found a very trendy restaurant around the corner in Pakenham St. with food to share, the new style of taste-restaurants. There was a great selection of top quality imaginative dishes in a buzzy atmosphere with great service. A great reminder of Wellington and it made me want to get back to my new home as fast a possible. However it showed me that there are great places in Perth, or Freo I should say, and also the  nearby art gallery we visited was excellent, with an Irish artist making big statements about the inequality existing in our world, especially Australia, today. Six stars to him too. Then home to rest for a big travel day tomorrow, my holiday ending on quite a high note I must say.
The buzz of good and well cooked food in Freo.

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