Saturday 30 August 2014

Pacific Islands here I come!

Today fate has decreed that I am now having my Pacific Island experience. Karoi Hawkins, a very presentable young Solomon Islander has consented to move into my home, into the large front room, supplanting Sonny, who, as the younger person, has decided to downsize to the smaller room.

 All is good in Little Karaka Paradise Hotel, as I am now wont to call my 'maison'. It was totally unexepected as so many had come and gone, some wanted it, some didn't,  but finally the right person has arrived, a married  man with four gorgeous kids waiting in the Solomons to come out to join him in twelve months i.e. a perfect solution for all of us as he loves the room with the bay views and doesn't cook at all!  So the kitchen will remain the domain of Sonny, and me and Fir, of course!

 Am very happy with the result and am celebrating with a rare Eggs Florintine at Cafe Baobab in  Newtown after announcing the good news to Tom. After all, his curtains helped to sell this room as they look so good and are a perfect march for the beautiful skin colour of Koroi. We are now a really multinational household, and I hope it will be for the next twelve months at least.

Now for the Interfaith AGM this afternoon which I am attending with V. after a few mis-fires on texting yesterday. This texting is fraught with unseen problems and I think I will never get a Smart Phone, too much work and apparently addictive!

Btw, last night's concert of 'Creation', by Hayden,  at the Michael Fowler Cetre with the NZSO and guest soloists, along with the local fabulous Orpheus Choir (I would love to be good enough to sing with them!) was magnificent and I managed to have a seat next to dancing partner Craig so we shared its wonder. Later we strolled, on his suggestion, through the light-show on the quayside, all very beautiful and stimulating. Wellington looks wonderful and today is a veritable Spring-like day!

Tom's white towels drying...

..outside his Garden Flat (to be) feeling chuffed with new housemate

Eggs Florentine, OK but not enough to fill me!

Seriously reading the Interfaith Agenda

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