Tuesday 19 August 2014

Caffe Scopa meeting...

It will be interesting to see if Thomas arrives on time. I was lucky I just caught my bus or I would have been quite late too, so no blame if he does come late. I also could not find my twenty questions to ask him, so will be winging it there. However it will be a gut decision, and it is probably only for a couple of months at best that he is coming to stay, that is, if he does come.
I have brought my latest business card to give him as erroneously I gave him the one from Tassie, with same email but wrong phone numbers on it. He was at least savvy enough to realise there was a mistake there and corrected the number through Ron at  BP.

Cuba looks empty...

Wheelchair friendly Scopa...

It has been interesting meeting Thomas, we chatted in English and he explained why he left Paris, he didn't like his job..already a tricky start, as he is not an easy smiler. Born under the star of Pisces, he claims as ascendant Aries, and he needs to work in that area to get a job, otherwise I fear for his chances. He is 'tres beau, mais pas charmant', which is what people look for in a worker. I did not talk about the room rental at all, as I want a worker, not a seeker, in my house. A pity as he is a nice boy, good parentage, but not well equipped for life in the tough world that is with us these days. I am not about to hold his hand, nor did he want it held, so I just said 'make appearances' don't just send CVs, and he smiled and said 'Thank you' in an English accent, and went up the road, hopefully to make an appearance somewhere where his good looks may eventually play a role in job finding.

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