Tuesday 26 August 2014

Woody Allen - Finis

Yesterday I caught the latest Woody Allen offering. The movie whose title 'Magic in Moonlight' just said it all, that it was going to be a flop. And it was, certainly from a Woody point of view. He has made some great movies but this is just not one of them. The schmalzy title sets the tone and it gets worse with a reprise by Colin Firth of his misanthropic character Mr Darcy in Jane Eyre. It was Woody aging, and it was very disappointing, hardly a laugh, only saved by luscious and satisfying cinematography in the South of France. A two star movie and certainly not worth seeing. Our poor Jackie Weaver in a supporting role just managed to survive being starstruck by working with her idol. Is it that he is too American and is trying to be British? He should really stick to movies like 'Jasmine' where he is totally at home.

Am back in the city library on a wonderful sunny morning, having quaffed a tasteless coffee which I will  never order again here, perhaps I was just unlucky but that's not good enough in this taste capital.
Am on my way to see Edit my new Hungarian housemate. The times are always a changin' at my place and this will certainly ring in some changes. She is newly arrived from Erd, a few hundred ks from Budapest, and it is the first time she has left her country, and her family...am I becoming a surrogate father? I hope not. She semed quite mature for her twenty three years and has a job at the Copthorne Hotel on an internship, which is a plus. She just has to learn how to tip-toe down our hallway!

The scene of my regrettable coffee....
My lovely Naguib Mahfouz gift from Peter K has arrived and I am savouring it.....

But I have also decided to finally read 'A Suitable Boy', especially now I have that boy living with me!
As it is fifteen hundred pages long I have doubled my borrowing time..

Am now at RV with Edit at Sweet Mother's Kitchen

Can you believe, yet again, I am cancelled at the last minute. A short text saying she has changed her mind, and, moi,  I have just cancelled all other interested people. What is the name of that song 'When will I ever learn'...? Ooh well, another day, another ad on Trademe! I decide to have a Mexican tostada at Mother's Kitchen, hopefully without indigestion, as I am swimming tonight!

A forgettable tostada, like Edit!

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