Friday 27 February 2015

Bordeaux -encore

Saturday morning at Newtown market and a nice coffee at the French Cafe - I tried a strange looking biscuit, but it tasted  alright. 

With the World Cup Cricket phenomenon in Auckland, Aussie PM, the awful Tony Abbott, has come over for an annual tete-a-tete with John Key and neither one looks very happy. The Oz/Kiwi match this weekend will be an interesting battle with the Aussies being awful sledgers and the Kiwis don't like that at all. As well, the Kiwis are really on top at present and are tipped to overcome the reigning OZ team. We'll see. In the meantime for my two cricket tragics at home I have found a connection for the aerial. Let's hope they can make it work as it would be nice to have finally a working tellie.

Is it a flying saucer???

Abbott in Auckland - not happy!
Notice blue tie/grey suit ensemble, best buddies, or both losers?

Am planning to have a repeat look tonight at 'The Brave'. Live theatre is so unpredictable but this is a sure and special winner.

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