Tuesday 17 February 2015

Caffe Scopa and Movie at Nga Taonga

Wisely I have left home extremely early to get into town before the rush hour, saving me half an hour in gridlock on Oriental Parade. Wednesday to Friday is always gridlock both ways after work time, especially in sunny weather when everyone is looking for a park on the bayside to have a drink or a swim.

Today it's for a swim as it's hot and magical. They say it is only 21 but is seems more like 31 and I am careful in the sun. Am off now to see the return of Jean Watson's doco called  'Aunty and the Star People' and it may well be full, you never know, or it may be empty, but added value is a Q and A  by the producer Jo Coffey, no doubt a friend of Jennifer's whom I may be driving home.

Earlier today was a visit to Newtown to make finally a dental appointment for next week and also take a blood test at the local Pathology clinic, where all I had to so was write my name down and I was on their books, details having been sent in from Kopata. Very slick organising and obviously payments have been arranged, the bill is in the mail.

Home to a busy house with Sonny who is in World Cup Cricket fever and wants to get our telly going. I told him what it needs and he is going to look into it with Koroi on the weekend. In the meantime I have taken a few things out of the living room for more space and also to give to Ailua to enjoy. I see Ailua tomorrow at the Photo Exhibition at Thistle Hall.

Life in Wellington in this hot summer is nothing less than sublime. Not too humid, the temperature still feels hotter but actually isn't. There are obviously many visitors in town as will Willi and Robert be very soon. I hope the weather stays great for them. 

The tattooes, the fashion and the attitude, all on cutting edge original. News in today's paper that Sir Peter Jackson will indeed be establishing a Hobbitt Museum in downtown Wellington for all to come and see. He is certainly the Lord of the Rings.

I have dropped in at my old haunt Caffe Scopa to have a lemon and honey drink before the movie. The normally lovely drink is quite ordinary, they obviously want me to eat here as well and I am not about to, so be it. It is money in their pocket so they should be happy I am here as the place is near empty at the moment.
Cuba St in summer..

Skies are blue...

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