Friday 6 February 2015


Saturday, it is Sevens Day, and the Aussies play the Kiwis in the Quarterfinals, and Lesley has offered me a free entry I crazy or what? I should go, the weather is perfect, they are only half-full in the Stadium, and I say Sorry Lesley, can't make it! He will think I am mad and I may be, but the idea of a huge footy crowd, albeit my own country playing, is not a big turn-on. So I go to Newtown to have coffee and breakfast with Tom, and look at the passing very colourful crowd.

And to boot, there is an email from Ron inviting me to an Indian farewell dinner tonight for his friend Nobu. I had decided earlier to go to Nga Taonga to see the last showing of a Kiwi movie, so I decide against the dinner as well. I feel a bit of a non-eventer, but such is Wellington, there is too much to do.

Back on home base I see the house-mates are all out working and enjoying the holiday, as everyone else is doing. They have been blessed by great weather and are making the most of it. Perhaps tomorrow I am tempted to let Tom help me take off the hard top from Bella and give her a summer airing. I had better say yes to something.

Big in the news....

Quiet day in Newtown...

Hopefully the end of Abbott.

Top Rugby players to France..

Expert says 'talk to your roses'!

Well just back from another mind-blowing Kiwi movie shown at Nga Taonga, the Film Archives. There were about fifteen in the audience, more than usual, and it was a debut film called 'Fantail', by director Curtis Vowell and writer/lead actor Sophie Henderson. And what a talent she is. Of course it was dark, what Kiwi story isn't, but it was gut-wrenchingly sad with such a tragic end that one begins to wonder under what dark cloud this land hides. I came away wondering at their skills, but despairing at their sad stories, which of course are true and reflect society as it is, this time the troubled Maori society.

On my drive home I saw the preparations in place for the gigantic street party which will take place after the final Sevens match tonight. The parties go all night, the main street of Courtenay Place is closed off to traffic, and everyone dresses in fancy dress. The early ones I saw were all gothic, blood and gore, and there is lots to drink no doubt. I will hear about it all tomorrow in the newspapers.

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