Monday 23 February 2015

Ti Whanawhana and 'The Brave'

After an excellent night with Ti Whanawhana at the Prostitutes' Collective, with some new people at the rehearsal, I am told about the current theatre must-see at the Hannah Playhouse. So very quickly I make plans to go with Ron and Ailua on Tuesday night.

I am sitting in the beer garden of the only Welsh Bar in New Zealand, or at least, in Wellington, waiting for Ron and Ailua to finish their hamburgers. The bar is filled with a plethora of Welsh Rugby memorabilia and is actually the premises of the former public loo on Cambridge Terrace which has been cunningly revitalised, revamped, and transformed into a very nostalgic pub. It is right opposite the Hannah Playhouse where I am going to see this much lauded production from the Auckland Massive Theatre Company. It is called  called 'The Brave', and has eight brave young men telling truthfully their life stories in a very strong theatrical context

Later after the show I decide to speak with the Director Sam Scott, a gutsy lady, whom I tell this show just must go to Sydney. It is on my agenda to see what I can do. It was an amazing world-class production of ninety minutes of self discovery done in a way which beggars description. Suffice to say, I was flabbergasted and moved to tears. The boys were not just talents, but the show was one of those rare theatrical experiences which demands to be seen again, which I will do, this Saturday.

My tips won the Oscars!

Rudi metaphorically dying onstage at 49, 

This fabulous show!

Outside in the Welsh beer garden

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