Monday 16 February 2015

Recovery in the city library

Another beautiful day and although I was going to spend it recovering from a hectic three day weekend I decided I had to go into town. The city library beckoned as it is a quiet haven and a fabulous resource centre for books and magazines, some which I have never heard of, mainly imported ones of course, but some local Kiwi ones as well. I discover some great illustrating magazines from the US.

I sit and read and look at my co-readers, all of whom are immersed in their computers, books or whatever. Outside the sun is warm and the city and bay look wonderful. I know I will be leaving a fantastic lifestyle so I had better make the most of it now, and when I return to Gosford I must discover some new possibilities and re-create some of what I have experienced here. 

Yesterday the Photographic Opening went well although I didn't stay for long. The photos looked great and I heard eleven had already been sold. Amazing. Congrats to Steve who organised it all.
On to the Interfaith meeting, well, I can't say much but it happened, and we sat through some small chit-chat and complaints but all is well and there will be a Walk for Peace the same day as the our talk at Clyde School. Unfortunately it  is on the same day. There is too much happening here.

I give up on Tiwhanawhana as I am too tired so home I go to discover a disconsolate Fir who had been crying over awful work situation at the restaurant. We chatted and I commiserated with her for an hour and then had an early night. There is too much to resolve there but the talk at least did some good.

The weekend disjointed me a little. I love the country feel of Otako and Wanganui,  but am now back in the city. I think it was a taste of what I will have in Gosford, but my return will be a good thing, to a quieter town with less to distract me but with still lots for me to do, with even more in Eckankar which is what I want.

So all is well and I am back to the sense trip that is Wellington. Tomorrow I discover I can now attend the opening of 'Aunty and the Star People' as the HU is cancelled. Will be interesting as I may take Jennifer along  as she wants to go.

I felt yesteday I have undertaken too much, but I know I can do it, I just have to reduce slowly what I am doing so in the end it is becoming so little that no-one will miss me, I hope!

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