Tuesday 24 February 2015

Coming down...

I say 'coming down' as it is the stituation after the amazing experience I had in the Hannah Playhouse last night. The raw talent, the honesty, the skill of the director and the production values, all were in the top degree of excellence.  This is what theatre is, and should always, be about.

Back into town to organise my flight for March retreat in Long Bay near Auckland. I was somewhat reluctant to do it this year but succumbed to peer pressure as it will be my last appearance in this capacity.

Ron was also keen to re-hang the exhibition in his centre to show off the photographic exhibition to visiting funding people who come in sometimes to see where their money is going.  We organised the pictures' placing, but later Noel from the Welsh Bar will be hanging them in his own inimitable way. They will look good.

Now off to visit the drapery shop for more fittings for curtains and then home to rest before my return to Scottish Country Dancing tonight. I have neen long enough away so it is time to return. May even get a bit fitter as it is good exercise. Tomorrow my long awaited visit to the dentist for two hours!

Memphis views

Super cool dude..

More Nazi war trials

Four of the faces in The Brave

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