Friday 13 February 2015

Weather cancellation

Today has been windy, cold and unpleasant so the organisers have wisely cancelled the  Day Out in the Park. Instead, I have visited Ailua in his smal but nice Council flat, and discovered he has a lovely singing voice. He loves Ella Fitzgerald, as I indeed do too. But I can't sing like her, and Ailua can. In listening to her beautiful rendition of 'My Darling Valentine ' Ailua began to sing along and betrayed a sure pitch, a wonderful tone and great feeling. I wish I had remembered to switch on my i phone to record it. It was very, very, impressive and I aim to encourage him in the next few months I am in Wellington. 

I will also have the opportunity to pass on some furniture which I no longer need. It will improve his flat and he will learn to take pleasure in owning some nice things.
Another project  for me before I quit these windy shores.

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