Monday 16 February 2015


A break at Levin for a Macca's coffee and muffin, it is actually quite OK and the perfect place to have a rest on my three hour jaunt to Whanganui. Weather turned out to be great also, predicted rain never appeared, not did the winds. I hope the Day Out organisers aren't beating themselves up too much about their rather premature cancellation and now not until  March, who knows what the weather is like then? Nothing is ever certain in Wellington.

I am back from long day's drive from Wanganui where all went well with Graeme and friends. Only four others there but enough for a quorum and discussion. Graeme is an excellent person and of such high character I cannot say the most of him. After the Service we repaired to Graeme's home for a quick nap before going to a local pub called the Rutland Arms for a meal. It was a quintessentially English style pub and I had a quite good fettuccine and Graeme his favourite seafood basket. We spoke of his life as an ECKist and as an actor, both of which he fulfils very well. Home then for more chatting but a very early night which was welcome. Monday morning early rising and after a nice brekkie was on the road to Otaki where I was to meet up with ball-room dancer Ted and friends for morning tea. His friends were from London originally, and were interesting and we chatted a lot and I even told them a little about the  HU as they were inquisitive. Derek had recently lost his long term partner to a rare disease and he was still in mourning mode. On Ted's suggestion I took a detour on my way home to see the fabulous Otaki estuary which was impressive in its stillness and beauty. A really great place to live and many houses for sale. 

On the road home I picked up a nice hitch-hiker, Daniel, who was Maori and on his way to Porirua. He was interesting, generous and a nice companion. I left him somewhat precariously under the pass-over to Porirua as I couldn't find anything better. He said he'd be OK as I'm sure he will.

Now I am just in time for the Thistle Hall BP photographic show opening, then Interfaith meeting, and then Tiwhanawhana. It is  busy Monday to say the least.

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