Tuesday 10 February 2015

Honours Night - at Meow.

Last night at Cafe Meow, a cabaret cafe in downtown Wellington, there took place  a unique and historic event. A hundred or so people crammed into a reasonable space and there were no complaints as to closeness or lack of space as love was in the air. It was the inaugural celebration of Queer Culture and the recognition of Service given in the name of all things queer and different, and this in the all inclusive society that is Wellington.

It was certainly very inclusive and it was a privilege to be there, even when it wildly over-ran it's timed program. There were about forty awards to be given out, and forty, or more, accolades to be rendered by those who knew the recipients well. I was lucky enough to know about fourteen of these so it was of keen interest to me and I must say there was nary a dry eye in house during much of the proceedings. And when not wet with emotion, we were wet with laughter at the inimitable repartee of drag diva  Amanduh La Hore, who was in her best element, and btw, was also given a gong at the end of the evening at about 11.30 pm. It was indeed, quite a night Out in Wellington.

The Program..

The Weekend...

The Perfect Weather..

More about the Awards...
Awards were given for many lesbians who had fought for the Gay Law Reform, being enacted in 1986, and for some who created the first and only lesbian book store, Lilac, in the Southern Hemisphere.
A few very worthy awards went to young gay activists who have worked so hard to make schools gay friendly. Also one to a young woman who came out to the press when she had been sexually abused by a Malaysian Diplomat, making headlines all over the country. A very brave girl who has made a great difference because of her bravery. Also to sporting heros, organising the Out Games, and there were many others awarded for ventures which were notable for their truth and queer support. 
A great night of gay solidarity and equality.

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