Wednesday 25 February 2015

Dentist visit at Newtown

Up early and a bit nervous I take two buses to Newtown.  The aim is to check to see if I need another root canal treatment on a back molar which is giving me some murmurs. Unfortunately my diagnosis is correct and I have to consider my options.

Though he would be quite happy to treat it with a filling, with a sixty per cent possible success rate, but then later also a root canal would be necessary, all up costing over fourteen hundred dollars. Or an extraction for about three hundred. I tell him I'll think about it. In the meantime I have a very quick dental hygiene check which is done in a whisk and only costs me $95, plus of course, the advice and X-rays, another $85, for telling me what I suspected.. Such is dentistry these days, but hey, they must make a living. I will wait till it gets too much and then have an extraction as it is not essential to my well being and I do not want to go through a third root canal torture.

Back to BP and see Ilua who is having his speech therapy. Next time I must have a chat with his therapist as I wonder just how much she is doing with him as he has much more potential than possibly she is aware of regarding his singing voice.

Back home for a nap and a cook-up for tomorrow and then swimming with DSW and a farewell to the lovely Paige, our coach, whose NZ visa soon is terminated and she must return to the US next week, and may not return. A big pity as she is such a great lady and a formidable coach on her day.

At Bordeaux for a coffee in Newtown

Across the road...

The great Celia Lashlie who began the 'look after our boys' movement many years ago, and who is really responsible for the The Massive Theatre Company being established. She died prematurely from pancreatic cancer and laments she didn't look after herself enough. Such is a carer's life, and it  nearly happened to me!

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