Friday 4 December 2015


In the morning the doves are singing and the sun is shining, supposedly to herald in a day of very hot temperatures. However in the Chelsea suburb it is a world away from city stress and the leafy paradise my two friends have created here needs to be seen to be believed.
The front garden...

..having cake for breakfast...

Enjoying some repose.

Lots to talk about and perfect warm summer weather made the morning disappear quickly with lots of tea and healthy cake from great cook Frances. Jan is always the same with his Czech sense of humour always creating some interesting vibes. They are in Chelsea for the long term now that Frances has given up her ideas of living right on the seaside. After all, they are but a short ten minute stroll to the wonderful Port Phillip Bay.

After lunch I decided to stroll to the Chelsa Opp. shops to see what was around. Found some handy stuff as I always seem to do, and then took the train to Moorabbin to wait for Maisie to arrive at six for the Book Study class I am attending with her and Xenia, after that staying for the HU song at eight. Will be catching up with a number of old Eckists friends this weekend which will be great.

Jan holds forth as he is wont to do.

Another gun massacre in USfourteen killed. When will the US ban guns? Never I'm afraid, so this will never stop.

A good session with old ECK friends Xenia and Adé turned into a mammoth event with the HU song later and a drive home by all the ways imaginable with Melbourne's  intricate and complicated freeway road system. Finally to bed by eleven- thirty.

Frances with Jan at a good distance...

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