Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Christmas Eve

It has been a challenging start to Christmas ...
First last night Niki has a few wines and starts to really clean up the kitchen, and she is a bit OCD in this domain. She wants to throw nearly everything out, including my soft butter, 'it was dirty' and many other condiments as well. Luckily I arrived in time to save a few things, but her more than inebriated state made me wonder,mand worry a little, what I have inherited here. This was after my collecting the exorbitant tiny ice creams from the restaurant Planet India, six for $45 ain't cheap in my opinion, but they will be tasty no doubt. I really should have done a deal. Niki is a generous soul but is also a bit rash in her spending methinks.

So I texted, as you do, my thoughts to N and she responded saying she recognised what I said and then apologised so all should be OK there I am hoping. Christmas is so fraught with unseen pressures and problems which seem all too ready to show themselves at this emotionally heightened time of the year, and it's mid-summer to boot. This is why my only good memories of Christmas have been in the Norhern Hemisphere, London or Paris. Let's hope this changes tomorrow, for the better.

Memphis abuzz... I snacked with spinach and ricotta filo...

...two groovers who are typical of the holiday spirit now infusing Wellington with a vengeance, and the weather predictions are to be a fine and wind-free Christmas!

Tom just popped in for a morning coffee and also his plans are changing to a Christmas lunch and then sweets in the evening....a very sensible idea and I will partake of that and bring my orange cake along.

Home for a few phone calls to family in WA, catching up with sad news of marriage breakdown of favourite nephew and his French wife. It is over it seems, after seven years and two kids to settle on.
My sister is really distraught so it's good bro is over there to talk some sense with her. She is so close
to Christy her son, she will have a very warped vision about the mess I'm afraid.
Later I will ring Christy to gauge first hand the situation, but first a swim at Freyberg Pool to freshen up.

The food is ready for tomorrow and cooking it should be a breeze. Niki's friend Karen is a chef and has prepared sauces and all, for the salmon. It will be elegant and satisfying I am sure. The two French kids should be very happy with their invitations to Christmas lunch on the sunny balcony.

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