Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day two with Victor

Am in David Jones sampling their poppy seed cake and coffee before catching the tram to visit Vic for lunch at his delightful pad at at St. Kilda. Then on to Chelsea to overnight with Frances and Jan. Another big day. 

An interesting touch, which I didn't really appreciate much, but the gesture was nice, they servedwith my long black a small glass of soda water, which the waiter said was customary. Pas à mon goût, I'm afraid!
At the DJs café, very ritzy all in marble.

Attentive staff...

..great cake and good coffee!

The day's a warm and sunny one, with thirty degrees predicted for tomorrow and the weekend.That's what I was afraid of, but I will cope. At least it's not Black Saturday. Also may look for some jandals, ie leather sandals for my summer wear in Wellie as I no longer have any and they would be good for this hot weekend weather.
With Vic in his Japanese paradise..

..he has made miracles in his council flat!

Victor a retired pensioner like myself, has managed to turn a modest councel flar, albeit perched on the beautiful parkland of St Kilda, into an ecologically sound aesthetically beautiful living space which attracts a wonderful bird life and where he lives a quiet and exclusive life. Quite a miracle!

After a simple lunch of baguette sandwiches I had to reluctantly leave into the crowds of St Kilda commuters and take the tram back to the city and then the train to Chelsea, a beachside suburb not far from Frankston, where I was to catch up with old friends Frances and Jan.

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