Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year 2016

Well I tried to make the Memphis Belle my first stop of the new year, but it was closed, and I'm sure they needed the day off! So I drive further up Cuba Street and of course, my very first stop in Wellington was the Country Quality Hotel so it is fitting I have my very first coffee of the year here. A charming young waitress from Colombia served me with a date scone and a passable long black coffee. I can cope with that.
The café at CQ.

In holiday modein Wellington.

A new Sherlock Holmes of the right erashould be worth seeing, reminding me of my obsession with Sherlock as a teenager.

Louis XIV, madeby the French, spoken in English, what next will the  French do to please the Americans? Seriously, it should be an extra-good TV series and I'd love to see it
The critic says it is the best of the yearand I must say it was a great doco, 'The Ground we won'.

Wellington obviously has a bit of a hangover after last night's NY's Eve fireworks and celebrations. The city is ultra-quiet and it's beautiful to be in it, the sun is warm and caressing but a wet weekend is predicted. Ooh well, we have had a whole week of sunshine with no clouds, we probably need a shower or two to make up for this unusual gift from Nature. 

Time to prepare now for my ECK Seminar trip to Brisbane in a week. Next Friday I will be in the Hilton Hotel, Brisbane, sharing with the wonderful Diana Stewart Koster I have just been reliably informed. What a gift that is!  I look forward to seeing all my ECK friends in Brisbane for two days and then am spending two nights with old and good friends Jan, Rob and Jessie.

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